Team members operate instrumentation capable of reaching temperatures as low as 7 mK. In total, there are five dilution refrigerator units, one helium 3 cryostat and four helium 4 cryostats.
Most are equipped with magnetic field superconducting coils. We operate Scanning Tunneling Microscopes (STMs) at very low temperatures and high magnetic field. STMs have low noise homemade electronics that allow us to explore the spectroscopic properties of the materials down to the microvolts scale. The laboratory also operates basic equipment for synthesis of new materials, growth of single crystals and measurements of transport and thermal properties.
STMs have homemade electronics, software, sample cleaving and tip preparation (in-situ).
50 mK dilution refrigerator with a 10 T superconducting magnet with a compensated
field region
The system has 30 RF filtered lines and calibrated thermometry down to 30 mK.
Small STM with an in-situ cleaving system capable of breaking hard bulk samples to expose fresh surfaces and ultra-low noise electronics.
7 mK dilution refrigerator with a 12 T superconducting magnet
The system has 30 RF filtered lines and calibrated thermometry down to 30 mK.
Small STM with an in-situ cleaving system capable of breaking hard bulk samples to expose fresh surfaces and ultra-low noise electronics.
Helium 3 refrigerator with a 13 T superconducting magnet
24 RF filtered cables with improved thermalization and low temperature filters (capacitors and coils).The STM has an in-situ
cleaving system, adapted to layered crystals, and there are enough cables reaching the sample holder to make measurements as a function of gate voltage or an applied current.
2 K system with 17 T magnet in a vibration isolated floor
Simple cryostat for rapid cool-down with 32 thermalized and filtered cables. STM made on ceramic (shapal) with
in-situ cleaving system and sample holder with gating capabilities. STM can be moved to external facilities.
50 mK dilution refrigerator unit with 5T-1T-1T superconducting magnet in a vibration
isolated floor
Cryostat with 24 thermalized and filtered cables. STM with in-situ cleaving
system and sample holder with gating capabilities. Studies as a function of the vector of the magnetic field.
10 mK dilution refrigerator unit with 17 T superconfucting magnet in a vibration
isolated floor
24 thermalized and strongly filtered cables. STM with in-situ cleaving systems and the highest energy resolution. Prepared for long term measurements and large liquid Helium hold time.
22T superconducting magnet in a vibration isolated floor with 20 mK dilution refrigerator
24 thermalized and strongly filtered cables. STM adapted for very high magnetic
fields with in-situ cleaving system and high energy resolution.
Thermal characterization
Measurement of specific heat, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion, both of macroscopic and nanosized samples.
Resitivity and magnetoresistivity, also in a rotating sample holder.
Synthesis of quantum materials and their characterization
Workbench, hydrogen torch, arc furnace, radiation furnaces and storage systems for elements and samples to design, grow and
make basic characterization of new materials. Activity initiated in collaboration with P.C. Canfield.
Sample preparation
We have some facilities for prepare samples such as the system for cutting samples and the controlled atmosphere chamber.
Glass cryostat and liquid helium
Some experiments are made in glass cryostats, it allow us see what happends inside during the experimental proccess.