Cryogenic low impedance measurements at high magnetic fields with a sample rotation stage.
Macor rotation stage.
Methods to simplify cooling of liquid Helium cryostats. Here we describe methods to simplify the operations required to
use liquid Helium by eliminating the use of high pressure bottles, avoiding blockage and improving heating and cooling rates.
Compact very low temperature scanning tunneling microscope with mechanically driven horizontal linear positioning stage.
We describe a scanning tunneling microscope for operation in a dilution refrigerator with a sample stage which can be moved macroscopically in a range up
to a cm and with an accuracy down to the tens of nm.
Three axis vector magnet set-up for cryogenic scanning probe microscopy. We describe it for cryogenic scanning probe microscopy measurements and discuss the magnet support system and the power supply.
We obtain tilted magnetic fields in all directions with maximum value of 5T along z-axis and of 1.2T for XY-plane magnetic fields.
LHA-4: High voltage amplifier for STM microscope. It is a high voltage amplifier and low output noise, designed to be used in STM tunnel effect microscopy,
where very low noise levels are required that allow the nano-positioning of the sample or the tip.
LHA-DigiMod. It is a scanning microscope control unit that allows generating the necessary high voltage signals with an extraordinary noise level.
Tunnel Effect Microscope Support to work in high magnetic fields. These pieces, made of copper and titanium, are part of a prototype that aims to implement the first Tunnel Effect Microscope that works in magnetic fields of 17 Teslas.
For this, the assembly will be placed in the center of a superconducting coil.
Shapal Parts for Tunnel Effect Microscope. A tunnel effect microscope has been built for very high magnetic fields.
Liquid nitrogen trap: It is part of an auxiliary vacuum equipment, consisting of a rotary pump and a diffuser pump.
Nitrogen cold trap: It is used to remove impurities from helium-3 gas after being used in a dilutor.
I-V Converter: It is used to transform intensity in voltage.